Apps to create
- midi in moniter
- midi out send. Add to keyboard.
- wavelet. Cepstrum send data to find peak.
Publish with auto freq centering. Takes about 6 weeks to study and create.
- draw a cross on touch
- almost all yellow. Try 10%.
- interrupt at signal and morlet draw.
- done signal part.
- need a color map.
- need test 3 piano freq
- record 10 sec. Show period to 5 sec.
- touch screen for 1 sec rect. Show freq to 4k.
- test if freq starts from 300 instead of 0
- test piano freq
- test 2 notes diff by an octave
160415 it seems wavelet solves fft problem
1. Harmonic freq
2 same keys of different Octave
3. Finer time resolution
It cannot run in real time.
- record a wav file
- transform to spectrograph
140415 after 1 month of study, i manage to get the java morlet code to work.
I am playing the idea to create a wavelet app on 160315. It is say to be faster and will it solve my sound to note problem?
It seems to be possible to decode sound to note.
As i hear the alarm, i look up at see level 5. It is actually 6 as i am moving down. As one observe an atom, it is already past tense. The atom has moved to another state.
200315 play with a code
240315 try jwave. It has coef data but no scale? Also a code that has only increasing signal.
310315 i am tired. I dont have the energy to do.
040415 i have read the code. And get the freq to scale relationship. It does fft 88 times per 1024 data. Compare to cepstrum only 2 fft.
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