
Wednesday, 18 December 2013

App submission date

First version submit on 101213
Meta reject on 141213. Ask to see demo and how to download midi file.
Submit on 141213 with YouTube links.
Review on 15-181213
Rejected on 181213 due to title and app name.
Submit on 181213. 
Rejected on 281213 due to background sound explanation 
Resubmit on 291213
Approved on 030114

As on 191213, my YouTube video has
1. Korg 19 views 1 like
2. Irig keys 12 views 1 like
3. Casio 11 views

On 030114,
1. Korg 63
2. Casio 47
3. Irig 37

On 070114,
1. Korg 82
2. Casio 72
3. Irig 52
- that is strange because I expect irig to have more user than casio. Apple is selling irig online. But it turns out Casio has a larger user based via its retail distribution. 

Hopefully apple will review soon. I feel there are 40 people waiting now. It will be only about 100 download a day in the first year.

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