
Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Celestial for android

101114 publish to play. Takes about 3 weeks to make my app. I do not expect much users. But it provides me hours of fun playing the keyboard. 

- app that let you experience 4 best piano the sound of various keyboard manufacturer. 
1. Steinway
2. Korg
3. Yamaha
4. Roland
Universal Keyboard

- use control for volume change
- how to market as a usb midi keybosrd

1. Need auto off in 30 min. Done. 
1. volume to low. Set to max 1. Solved by using yamaha sf samples. It is louder but not nicer. I am using the pitch formula. Manage to find korg. Very good!
2. The stop creates a abrupt noise. Use pause first.  
3. Need other soundfont. This is the weak point of android. Ios I can easily change soundfont. 

291014 how to get good sound into the app? How to read soundfont? How to create small mp3 or wav file? 2. Too mix for medoly. 3. Crashes. Ok. 

281014 4am manage to get a 128 mp3 note files. Build a full note piano app. 1. The stop and volume make it sound too soft. I rather have a louder volume. Set to 70 for max velocity and remove stop.The latency is minimum using soundpool instead of jetplayer. Only my app is wasting all batteries. 5:30am solved with running = false. 2. I think is the thread. Need to kill them when pause. 3. Need a tool to convert soundfont to note files. Or convert sample to note. There is a note on lower note. 
271014 able to get permission permanently via attached intent. Looking at jetplayer now. Jetboy has a fire button. Can I play different sound for each note? DLS seems ok. Stumble on yamaha sf2! 
261014 I am working on the problem that I could not receive a note on from my keyboard. I wonder what is the problem?
At 8:30pm, I try the midi app and see that all cable are zero. Do my command is wrong. Instead of byte >> 4, it is byte &. xF0 in android. I stumble because I donot know the meaning of xFo

241014 sample usb host. 
- I want to see what message is been send to phone when I press a key. 

231014 can I create a jet file for all midi note. And shit segment to play it. 

221014 I am playing with the idea to create an android version to play mozart 40 on my korg 61. The current app always ask for usb permission. I want an app just to load an instrument and allows me to play a song. And often I have to exist and start the app again. I want a system where I can just turn on the phone and start playing. 

- load Tim soundfont
- detect korg 61
- wait for key input
- play a sound

- read midi file
- display animation 
- allow scrolling
- allow download song
- change instrument 
- allow download soundfont

Why I go into android version when I am not making any in ios? It is his will. I just follow and let tomorrow worries itself. 

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